Email and PDF Templates
Choose from a variety of Email and PDF design templates for your WordPress forms. A well-designed email or PDF file makes your website more professional. Easily choose a theme in the form options and you’re ready to go.
Create a universe of forms with ez Form Calculator for WordPress
Choose from a variety of Email and PDF design templates for your WordPress forms. A well-designed email or PDF file makes your website more professional. Easily choose a theme in the form options and you’re ready to go.
In order to add email addresses to MailChimp lists, you need a MailChimp API key first. Generate the API key on the Mailchimp website, copy the key, go to Global Settings -> Other and find the option MailChimp API key. In the form editor, click on the Predefined section and add the Add to…
Block email addresses in WordPress forms easily. With ez Form Calculator, you can block single email addresses or domains.
Create a quick cleaning form calculator in WordPress with this predefined form template. In this form, the price isn’t shown in the frontend but it’s displayed in the emails so users have to enter their email address in order to receive the price.
This tutorial shows how to show elements in WordPress Form Emails conditionally.
This feature allows you to send WordPress Form emails to different email recipients depending on an element’s value (aka email routing). You can configure conditional email routing to all calculation elements.
This article shows how to configure ez Form Calculator to use Gmail’s SMTP server.