Predefined value of any input element.
Important note: always use a dot ( . ) as the decimal point for floating values, for example: 0.5
You can also retrieve “magic” values from advanced custom fields, post meta fields, WooCommerce product attributes and more, separated by a colon:
- Advanced custom fields: acf:fieldname
- PHP function: php:functionname
- Postmeta field: postmeta:fieldname
- WooCommerce attribute: wc:attributename
- Random number: __rand__ (range from min/max value)
- Current URL: {{current_url}}
- Dates:
- {{date_d}} – day of the month without leading zeros: 1 to 31
- {{date_dd}} – day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros: 01 to 31
- {{date_m}} – numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros: 1 through 12
- {{date_mm}} – numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros: 01 through 12
- {{date_yy}} – a two digit representation of a yea: 99 or 03
- {{date_yyyy}} – a full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits: 1999 or 2003
- {{date_u}} – seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT)
- User:
- {{user}} – Display name of the current user [1]
- {{user_email}} – Email of the current user [1]
- {{user_firstname}} – First name of the current user [1]
- {{user_lastname}} – Last name of the current user [1]
- {{user_id}} – ID of the current user [1]
- {{user_login}} – Login (username) of the current user [1]
[1] If no user is logged in, an empty string will be returned.