This calculator is a tool for authors on the Envato Marketplace to see how much more or less you would earn with the new ADP (author driven price) roll-out. It takes into account the buyers fee, the author fee and item list price.
Please note that I can’t guarantee if the calculator works correct although I have checked all calculations. Buyers and authors fee were taken from the official Envato website on 15th September, 2016. Further changes may occur.
This form was created with ez Form Calculator.
Can you please, add the ThemeForest > E-commerce category ($15 buyer’s fee)?
Sure, I’ve added this. 🙂
Cool Calculator, thanks for making this possible
HI there!
Is there any chance to compare Exclusive and Non-Exclusive rates, final ones?
Sure, take a look here:
Doesn’t work anymore! 🙁
Hello, thanks for your message. Should work now again. 🙂
Thanks a lot mate, thank you!
Really very essential information!
Hi There,
I’ve just wanna checked non-exclusive to see how much I can earn and it seems that it doesn’t work anymore.
WordPress / $75000.
If you can take a look at it, I will greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
thanks for noticing. I have fixed this issue. 🙂
Thank you for taking the time to fix it.
What about VIDEOHIVE ?
Why you don’t have it in your list?!
I’ve added VideoHive to the list, thanks!