- Added: preview forms (added elements will be active right away, though)
- Added: configuration wizard (set up most basic settings easily)
- Added: more comfortable PayPal integration (create pages automatically via wizard)
- Added: email list confirmation (predefined element)
- Added: step indicators
- Added: improved price preview on the global settings page
- Added: option to enable/disable scrolling when changing steps
- Added: option to enable/disable tinyMCE editor for HTML elements in the form editor
- Changed: price related form options have their own section now (Price)
- Changed: content_filter is now blank by default
- Fixed: backend editor bugs (group element may contain itself; drag-n-drop element position fixed)
- Fixed: file uploads were not shown in WooCommerce checkout data (you can still view them in the submissions list)
- Fixed: number sliders in groups couldn’t be used (thanks to andzs for finding out)
- Fixed: cURL compatibility for Recaptcha elements when allow_url_fopen is disabled