Hello folks,
a new update has been released and will be available on CodeCanyon in a few hours. If you have registered your purchase code on your website, you can download it via the WordPress plugins page automatically.
The main feature of this update is the integrated PDF file generation. You can enable this feature in the form options -> PDF section and choose whether the generated PDF file should be sent to the admin and the user. In this section, you can also edit the content of the PDF file using the common placeholders.
Additionally, some new features have been added like the submission url placeholder, the math absolute operator and more. Check out the full changelog here:
- Added: PDF files can be generated and attached to emails
- Added: new placeholder in emails which adds the URL of the submitted form: {{submission_url}}
- Added: math “absolute” operator
- Added: styling options (background-attachment, -repeat, -size, form height, overflow-x and -y behavior)
- Added: shortcodes can be used in HTML elements (if the element option “do_shortcode” is enabled)
- Added: custom calculation element may now contain strings as values
- Added: option to scroll to the success message after form submission (“Scroll to success message” in Layout form settings)
- Changed: the second column in result tables (result and result_simple) will always take the submitted value instead of the formatted value
- Fixed: forms using discount code extension weren’t loaded properly in the backend
- Fixed: preselected options did not add the selected class to images
- Fixed: woocommerce edit product via edit link now replaces all edited values instead of adding another product
- Improved: performance when saving form options