This is a major update, please perform a backup of your forms (and your page if you’d like to stay on the safe side) as usual.
If your forms stopped working with the WordPress v5.5 update due to a jQuery not defined error, please install the official Enable jQuery Migrate Helper plugin. If you’d like to read more about this, there’s a good article about the upgrade issue on
- Conditional logic for input fields (text contains, text starts with, text ends with)
- Conditional logic for date comparisons for the Datepicker/Daterange element
- Discount operator price plus factor
- Example input: 10|2 will be calculated as 10 + 2*x
- Forms can be added in other forms. Note that it is only possible to add one unique child form per form
- Checkbox/Radio options can be split into columns
- Conditional action deselect all options
- Compatibility with PHP 7.4 & WooCommerce
- Added file upload filter ezfc_upload_dir so you can change the directory and filename of uploaded files
- Added some variables for Zapier integration (form ID, submission ID, invoice ID)
- PayPal/Stripe transaction IDs show up in the submission list
- Compatibility with some popular page builders
- Step indicator layout (full width/auto width)
- Form can be submitted with test values in the backend (Advanced actions -> Create test submission)
- Added more tags to the Heading element as well as alignment options
- Added customization to the Table Order element
- Checkbox/Dropdown/Radio options can be sorted in the backend by ID, value, or text
- Added element styles (default, highlight, inline)
- Groups can display their child elements in a customizable flexbox (equal width or in columns). Use group_flexbox, group_flexbox_align_items, group_flexbox_columns
- Added 2-column summary template
- Added some new form themes (aero-v2, aero-v2-blue, aero-v2-green, aero-v2-peach, aero-v2-red)
- Element label can be customized in the email summary with the show_in_email option
- Elements that have is_numbers enabled will change the input type to “tel” so the number pad will show up on mobile devices (this is a workaround and may change in the future)
- Fixed price position reduces the form width so it does not overlap the content at any other place
- Submission is stored in WordPress’ transient cache so the plugin will not use PHP’s session anymore. This also fixed some problems when showing the price on a separate page.
- Changed the licensing server as some web hosters were unable to connect
- Refactored and optimized a lot of internal code
- Elements were sometimes formatted incorrectly
- Summary values fixed
- Set conditional target value fixed
- Added a prefix rule to the main CSS styles
- Stats page fixed
- Overwrite single option fixed in the form options
- Form popup fix
- Form preview fix
- Backend editor fixed
- Frontend tooltips were sometimes not shown or invisible