Action Hooks
You can perform custom PHP functions before and after a submission was added.
PHP example:
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add_action("ezfc_after_submission", "my_custom_function", 0, 4); function my_custom_function($submission_id, $total_price, $user_mail, $form_id) { // do some custom code with these params } |
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/** * hook: before submission * @param int $form_id ID of this form **/ do_action("ezfc_before_submission", $form_id); /** * @hook submission successful * @param int $submission_id The ID of this submission * @param float $total The total * @param string $user_email User email address (if any) * @param int $form_id The ID of this form **/ do_action("ezfc_after_submission", $insert_id, $total_price, $user_mail, $form_id); |
Action Hooks List
- do_action(“ezfc_before_submission”, $id, $this->submission_data);
- do_action(“ezfc_after_submission_before_send_mails”, $insert_id, $output_data[“total”], $user_mail, $id, $output_data, $this->submission_data, $this->replace_values);
- do_action(“ezfc_after_submission”, $insert_id, $output_data[“total”], $user_mail, $id, $output_data, $this->submission_data);
- do_action(“ezfc_after_submission_ext_{$extension[“form_element_data”]->extension}”, $insert_id, $extension[“form_element”], $extension[“form_element_data”], $extension[“raw_value”]);
- do_action(“ezfc_ext_enqueue_head”);
- do_action(“ezfc_ext_enqueue_scripts”);