In order to update the plugin, please follow these steps:
- Please backup your database or export your forms on the “Import / Export” page before updating
- Since the config class needs to be replaced, open up the file “class.ezfc_config.php” from the main directory (usually “ezfc-php”) and copy all data from ** config begin ** to ** config end ** and keep it somewhere safe
- Upload the updated plugin to the relevant directory on your FTP server
- Open up the file “class.ezfc_config.php” again and replace the data from ** config begin ** to ** config end ** with the data from step 2.
- Head over to the main page where you usually log in to the script. You should see a message along with a button labelled “manual update”. Click on it to perform the update.
- As the theme integration has changed, you need to update the theme in the form options dialog -> Layout tab -> Theme. Set it to “default” or any other theme and click on “Update options”.
- Test your forms. If all works well, have a coffee for yourself. c[_]