The total price is hidden in this form and will be shown on a different page once the form is submitted. In order to activate this feature, open up your form in the backend, click on form options, select the Form section and enter the target URL in the Redirect URL option:
In order to show the price on the target page, follow these steps:
- Add a subtotal element at the end of your form with the name total
- Make the subtotal element hidden so it won’t show up in the actual form as it will only be used as a placeholder
- Open up the form options, select the Form section, and enter the target URL in the option Redirect URL
- In the target URL page, add the following shortcode to the page:
[ezfc_value name="total" /]
- The placeholder name can differ from “total”, and you can also use any other element name in the shortcode to display any other value
Form Redirection Example