A new update was released for ez Form Calculator Premium. This update includes new features, bug fixes and several changes in the code structure.
I recommend testing your forms in a separate WordPress installation to ensure your forms work correctly.
If you encounter any issue with the update, please write a message to support@ezplugins.de along with a description of the bug.
- Popup forms: forms can be opened in a popup automatically, via a button or by custom JS code
- Values can be retrieved via PHP functions
- Set element value to: php:my_function
- Make sure my_function exists and the function returns a value
- Options from Dropdown / Radio / Checkbox element can be retrieved via PHP and JSON URL (via the options_source option)
- Options from Radio / Checkbox element can be set as text only so the input button won’t be shown
- Options from Radio / Checkbox element can be set as an icon only so the input button won’t be shown
- Slider can be set to fixed values
- Table order element option to only show values that are not empty
- Browser-autocompletion of input elements can be disabled
- Database tables are now shown on the Help page
- Table order
- Datepicker / Daterange
- Single date range with a fixed from/to date
- Year range selection added
- Updated dompdf to v0.8.2
- PDF downloads, uploaded files and form export downloads are now routed through the plugin instead of direct links (you have to be logged in to download files)
- Form calculation fixed when retrieving calculated Subtotal values (this may affect your calculations)
- Form calculation fixed when dealing with conditionally hidden elements (this may affect your calculations)
- Several performance improvements
- Some forms were duplicated/exported incorrectly when elements have deprecated group IDs (rare)
- Small performance improvement when importing large forms
- Datepicker / Daterange
- Work days calculation fix
- Element placeholders are now case-insensitive
- Templates page fixed